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QTP - Test / Action Template

Test / Action Template

If you need any default Template to be loaded whenever you create a new test script, just do these steps.
  1. Design the template with all the statements and comments in a text file / text editor.
  2. Save the text file as "ActionTemplate.mst" to the "QuickTest Installation folder" under \dat folder.  
  3. Start QTP and see that the template that you have created is activated and appeared as default QTP Action Template.
  4. Whenever you create new tests/actions, you can find that this template by default loaded.


'               (C) COPYRIGHT Automation
'               ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

'   This software contains information which represents
'   trade secrets of Automation and may not be copied
'   or disclosed to others except as provided in the license with Automation

' Library Name:
' Author:                              < Author Name>
' Overview: General purpose of functions used for
' Modification Log: 

 '    Date                     By              Notes                                       
'   ---------            --------       ---------
'      Date             Author      Created

 ' Notes None

' Assumptions:
' Declaration Definitions:


'This file includes following functions
'General Reporter
'DESCRIPTION         : Opening a new instance of IE browser with the specified URL
'Input parameter     : URL (Application Invocation path)
'Output parameter    : none
'Author & DOC        : < Date >

Performance Testing Overview

Performance Testing:

This paper introduces Performance testing and describes how to perform Performance testing, and tools and techniques relevant to Performance testing.

Couple of definitions, explanations: what is Performance Testing?
  • In general, Performance testing is the process of testing the application to check if the application behaves well under the specified conditions (User loads, transactions, speed, process, memory, threads, hits, throughputs and so...)
  • The objective of a performance test is to demonstrate that the system meets requirements such as defined number of user loads, transactions, and throughput and response times as part of system/application performance.
  • Performance testing can be done for determining the speed or effectiveness of a computer, network, software program or device.
  • This process can involve quantitative tests done in a lab, such as measuring the response time or the number of MIPS (millions of instructions per second) at which a system functions. Qualitative attributes such as reliability, scalability and interoperability may also be evaluated. Performance testing is often done in conjunction with stress testing.
  • Performance testing can verify that a system meets the specifications claimed by its manufacturer or vendor.

Performance test approach:
Let’s consider a small scenario here.
Let’s say, for example…we are in search of “GE” company info on the Google.
If, all of us (let’s say 100 members of us) search the word “GE” at a time in Google, will the Google Server handle this load? (user load)
How many transactions (responses) are generated by the Google?
How many number of bytes (throughput) is generated by the Google at this point?
How many users got the results back and how many did not (transaction summary)
And so on….

Hope, you have understood the scenario.
Let’s say we wanted to performance test the above scenario;
Well, in olden days the performance testing was the most critical and toughest test to be performed
Why it was so?
Let’s look at these reasons.
ü  Manual effort is essentially needed.
ü  It was very risky.
ü  Time consuming
ü  Money consuming
ü  No appropriate results though
ü  Heavy maintenance
ü  And there are so many reasons to talk about as such.

Consider the following diagrams.
(A)              Manual effort for Performance Testing
(B)               Automation effort for Performance testing
(C)               Industry-leading automated scalability and performance testing process, in general

Manual effort for Performance Testing       

Automation effort for Performance testing


Industry-leading automated scalability and performance testing process, in general

With the help of the automation tools, such as LoadRunner, JMeter, Silk Performer ,  Empirix e-Load/RSW …
So with such tools, we have overcome all of the above obstacles and now
And thus Performance test has become so easy, so fast, so accurate and so comfortable for the applications to be performance tested.
There are a set of ways, how we can performance test, like Load Test, Stress Test, Performance Test, Capacity test, and so..
But at this moment, let’s accumulate all of these tests and say “Performance test”’ at over all, for an application in general passion.

Let me explain this Performance test process considering LOADRUNNER tool (for better understanding):
         Step 1: Planning the test. Here, we develop a clearly defined test plan to ensure the test scenarios; we develop load-testing objectives. 
         Step 2: Creating Vusers. Here, we create Vuser scripts (Test scripts) that contain tasks performed on the application, and these tasks are measured as transactions. 
         Step 3: Creating the scenario. A scenario is the combination of Load test scripts, Vusers, Performance conditions, Servers and so…
      A scenario defines the events that occur during each testing session.
For example, a scenario defines and controls the number of users to emulate, the actions to be performed, and the servers/machines on which the virtual users run their emulations
         Step 4: Running the scenario.
We emulate load on the server by instructing multiple Vusers to perform tasks simultaneously. Before the testing, we set the scenario configuration and scheduling. We can run the entire scenario, Vuser groups, or individual Vusers. 
         Step 5: Monitoring the scenario.
We monitor scenario execution using the LoadRunner online runtime, transaction, system resource, Web resource, Web server resource, Web application server resource, database server resource, network delay, streaming media resource, firewall server resource, ERP server resource, and Java performance monitors. 
         Step 6: Analyzing test results. During scenario execution, LoadRunner records the performance of the application under different loads. We use LoadRunner’s graphs and reports to analyze the application’s
Note: VUsers=Virtual users who act as similar as real users (human beings)

Why Performance Test?
Speed - Does the application respond quickly enough for the intended users?
Scalability – Will the application handle the expected user load and beyond?
Stability – Is the application stable under expected and unexpected user loads?
Performance Parameters: Are the no# transactions, throughputs, process, memory, threads and so..
Confidence – Are you sure that users will have a positive experience on go-live day?

Performance Indicators
• Resource utilization: The percentage of time a resource (CPU, Memory, I/O, Peripheral, Network) is busy
• Throughput: Throughput is the average rate of successful message delivery over a communication channel.
The throughput is usually measured in bits per second (bit/s or bps)
• Response time: The time elapsed between a request and its reply.
It is a measure of how responsive an application or subsystem is to a client request.
• Database access rates: The number of times database is accessed by web application over a given interval of time
• Scalability: The ability of an application to handle additional workload, without adversely affecting performance, by adding resources such as processor, memory, and storage capacity

There is a lot to talk about this PERFORMANCE testing, but as of now, I feel this could be enough to make you understand what’s performance test is and how it is being performed and what are all the types and what are all the different performance parameters that can be tested as part of performance test.
Any suggestions, questions please you are most welcome. Thank you.

eLearnQTP Automation LearningTable

Automation LearningTable (QTP: Quick Test Professional)

Category Name
Completed  (Yes/No)
Introduction to Automation Testing

What is Automated testing

Why Test Automation

Limitations of Manual Testing

Benefits of Automation Testing

When to Automate?

Introduction to Automation Testing Tools

Automation Frameworks

Framework Concepts

Importance of Framework

Types of Frameworks

Implementation choices


Scripted (includes keywords, data driven)


Design of tests

Testing techniques

Test Patterns

Test Data

Unattended automation

Independence of tests

Suites of tests

Error handling



Automation Testing Tools

Overview on Quick Test Pro

Overview on Winrunner

Overview of Silk Test

Introduction to QTP

Why QTP / What Is QTP

Comparison with other commercial tools

Main components in QTP

Objects and their classifications

Test Object ( properties & methods)

Run Time Object  ( properties & methods)

Keyword View

Expert view

Record and Playback


Types of recording and playback

Context sensitive / Normal Recording

Analog (Screen , Window)

Low level

Record & Playback Framework

Object learning and identification

Object repository

Object spy

Object repository Modes

Shared repository

Per-action repository

OR Merging

OR Comparisons

Object Properties

Mandatory properties

Assistive properties

Index based properties

coordinate based properties

Smart Identification

Virtual Objects


What is Synchronization

wait property

exist property

Synchronization time out in RUN mode

Synchronization scenarios



Applying check points

Standard, Bitmap


Text and Text Area Check point

XML, Accessibility

Page, Table , Image

Parameterization Values  / Data Driven models

Steps and checkpoints parameterization

Testing and action input parameters

Data table parameters

Environment variable parameters

Random number parameters

Using Data Driver tool

XML Parameterization


What are actions

Action types

Reusable Actions

Non reusable actions

Local Actions

External actions

New Action

Copy of Action

Existing Action

Parent Actions

Nested Actions

Action Driven Framework

Output Values

Outputting property values

Outputting text values

Outputting database values

Outputting XML values

Working With Actions

Multiple actions

Using global and action data sheets

Creating new actions

Calling existing actions

Setting action properties

Setting action call properties

Sharing action information

Copy of actions / Existing actions

Working with data tables

Working with global and action sheets

Editing data table

Importing data from a database

Exporting data from QTP

Regular Expressions

Understanding regular expressions

Applying regular expressions for property values

Applying regular expressions for checkpoint values


Inserting steps using Step Generator

Generating “with” statements


Virtual Objects

Measuring transactions

Smart identification

Configuring Object Identification

Custom and standard objects

Mapping custom to standard objects

Defining mandatory and assistive properties

VB Script

Intro to VB Script

Programming in VB Script

loops , conditional statements

branching, functions

Functional Libs

String / Date / Numeric functions

Additional Utitlies

Descriptive Programming

What is descriptive programming

Why DP is used

How do we DP

Object Property Collection  DP

Object Individual Properties DP

Data Table methods

AddSheet Method

DeleteSheet Method

Export Method

ExportSheet Method

GetCurrentRow Method

GetRowCount Method

GetSheet Method

GetSheetCount Method

Import Method

ImportSheet Method

SetCurrentRow Method

SetNextRow Method

SetPrevRow Method

Associated Properties

GlobalSheet Property

LocalSheet Property

RawValue Property

Value Property

Data base testing in QTP

What is data base testing

how do we database test in QTP

DSN connection data base scripts

DSN Less database scripts

DB Scripting

Recovery Management

What is Recovery Management

How do  we handle this

Steps to implement

Pros and cons of Recovery Management

Automation Frameworks

Record / Play back Framework

Action Driven Framework

Data Driven Framework

Functional library framework

Keyword Driven Framework

Hybrid Framework


Creating files

insert, copy , paste, remove contents in the files

generating file results

Files / Folders


QTP/VB Script  and Word

Word functions


QTP/VB Script  and Excel

Excel functions


QTP and Excel format results

QTP and HTMLformat results


QTP and Outlook mail configurations

QTP - Auto mail generations

IE Browser

Browser Invoke

Browser Functions

Browser Scripts

Additional Info

General Functions

Clear Caches

Browser settings

Addins utilities

working with Keyboard keys

working msgboxes / pop ups

And more…


Class room questions

Caller questions

online chat questions

support questions

And more…


QTP - Test / Action Template

Test / Action Template

If you need any default Template to be loaded whenever you create a new test script, just do these steps.
  1. Design the template with all the statements and comments in a text file / text editor.
  2. Save the text file as "ActionTemplate.mst" to the "QuickTest Installation folder" under \dat folder.  
  3. Start QTP and see that the template that you have created is activated and appeared as default QTP Action Template.
  4. Whenever you create new tests/actions, you can find that this template by default loaded.


'               (C) COPYRIGHT Automation
'               ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

'   This software contains information which represents
'   trade secrets of Automation and may not be copied
'   or disclosed to others except as provided in the license with Automation

' Library Name:
' Author:                              < Author Name>
' Overview: General purpose of functions used for
' Modification Log: 

 '    Date                     By              Notes                                       
'   ---------            --------       ---------
'      Date             Author      Created

 ' Notes None

' Assumptions:
' Declaration Definitions:


'This file includes following functions
'General Reporter
'DESCRIPTION         : Opening a new instance of IE browser with the specified URL
'Input parameter     : URL (Application Invocation path)
'Output parameter    : none
'Author & DOC        : < Date >

Performance Testing Overview

Performance Testing:

This paper introduces Performance testing and describes how to perform Performance testing, and tools and techniques relevant to Performance testing.

Couple of definitions, explanations: what is Performance Testing?
  • In general, Performance testing is the process of testing the application to check if the application behaves well under the specified conditions (User loads, transactions, speed, process, memory, threads, hits, throughputs and so...)
  • The objective of a performance test is to demonstrate that the system meets requirements such as defined number of user loads, transactions, and throughput and response times as part of system/application performance.
  • Performance testing can be done for determining the speed or effectiveness of a computer, network, software program or device.
  • This process can involve quantitative tests done in a lab, such as measuring the response time or the number of MIPS (millions of instructions per second) at which a system functions. Qualitative attributes such as reliability, scalability and interoperability may also be evaluated. Performance testing is often done in conjunction with stress testing.
  • Performance testing can verify that a system meets the specifications claimed by its manufacturer or vendor.

Performance test approach:
Let’s consider a small scenario here.
Let’s say, for example…we are in search of “GE” company info on the Google.
If, all of us (let’s say 100 members of us) search the word “GE” at a time in Google, will the Google Server handle this load? (user load)
How many transactions (responses) are generated by the Google?
How many number of bytes (throughput) is generated by the Google at this point?
How many users got the results back and how many did not (transaction summary)
And so on….

Hope, you have understood the scenario.
Let’s say we wanted to performance test the above scenario;
Well, in olden days the performance testing was the most critical and toughest test to be performed
Why it was so?
Let’s look at these reasons.
ü  Manual effort is essentially needed.
ü  It was very risky.
ü  Time consuming
ü  Money consuming
ü  No appropriate results though
ü  Heavy maintenance
ü  And there are so many reasons to talk about as such.

Consider the following diagrams.
(A)              Manual effort for Performance Testing
(B)               Automation effort for Performance testing
(C)               Industry-leading automated scalability and performance testing process, in general

Manual effort for Performance Testing       

Automation effort for Performance testing


Industry-leading automated scalability and performance testing process, in general

With the help of the automation tools, such as LoadRunner, JMeter, Silk Performer ,  Empirix e-Load/RSW …
So with such tools, we have overcome all of the above obstacles and now
And thus Performance test has become so easy, so fast, so accurate and so comfortable for the applications to be performance tested.
There are a set of ways, how we can performance test, like Load Test, Stress Test, Performance Test, Capacity test, and so..
But at this moment, let’s accumulate all of these tests and say “Performance test”’ at over all, for an application in general passion.

Let me explain this Performance test process considering LOADRUNNER tool (for better understanding):
         Step 1: Planning the test. Here, we develop a clearly defined test plan to ensure the test scenarios; we develop load-testing objectives. 
         Step 2: Creating Vusers. Here, we create Vuser scripts (Test scripts) that contain tasks performed on the application, and these tasks are measured as transactions. 
         Step 3: Creating the scenario. A scenario is the combination of Load test scripts, Vusers, Performance conditions, Servers and so…
      A scenario defines the events that occur during each testing session.
For example, a scenario defines and controls the number of users to emulate, the actions to be performed, and the servers/machines on which the virtual users run their emulations
         Step 4: Running the scenario.
We emulate load on the server by instructing multiple Vusers to perform tasks simultaneously. Before the testing, we set the scenario configuration and scheduling. We can run the entire scenario, Vuser groups, or individual Vusers. 
         Step 5: Monitoring the scenario.
We monitor scenario execution using the LoadRunner online runtime, transaction, system resource, Web resource, Web server resource, Web application server resource, database server resource, network delay, streaming media resource, firewall server resource, ERP server resource, and Java performance monitors. 
         Step 6: Analyzing test results. During scenario execution, LoadRunner records the performance of the application under different loads. We use LoadRunner’s graphs and reports to analyze the application’s
Note: VUsers=Virtual users who act as similar as real users (human beings)

Why Performance Test?
Speed - Does the application respond quickly enough for the intended users?
Scalability – Will the application handle the expected user load and beyond?
Stability – Is the application stable under expected and unexpected user loads?
Performance Parameters: Are the no# transactions, throughputs, process, memory, threads and so..
Confidence – Are you sure that users will have a positive experience on go-live day?

Performance Indicators
• Resource utilization: The percentage of time a resource (CPU, Memory, I/O, Peripheral, Network) is busy
• Throughput: Throughput is the average rate of successful message delivery over a communication channel.
The throughput is usually measured in bits per second (bit/s or bps)
• Response time: The time elapsed between a request and its reply.
It is a measure of how responsive an application or subsystem is to a client request.
• Database access rates: The number of times database is accessed by web application over a given interval of time
• Scalability: The ability of an application to handle additional workload, without adversely affecting performance, by adding resources such as processor, memory, and storage capacity

There is a lot to talk about this PERFORMANCE testing, but as of now, I feel this could be enough to make you understand what’s performance test is and how it is being performed and what are all the types and what are all the different performance parameters that can be tested as part of performance test.
Any suggestions, questions please you are most welcome. Thank you.


eLearnQTP Automation LearningTable

Automation LearningTable (QTP: Quick Test Professional)

Category Name
Completed  (Yes/No)
Introduction to Automation Testing

What is Automated testing

Why Test Automation

Limitations of Manual Testing

Benefits of Automation Testing

When to Automate?

Introduction to Automation Testing Tools

Automation Frameworks

Framework Concepts

Importance of Framework

Types of Frameworks

Implementation choices


Scripted (includes keywords, data driven)


Design of tests

Testing techniques

Test Patterns

Test Data

Unattended automation

Independence of tests

Suites of tests

Error handling



Automation Testing Tools

Overview on Quick Test Pro

Overview on Winrunner

Overview of Silk Test

Introduction to QTP

Why QTP / What Is QTP

Comparison with other commercial tools

Main components in QTP

Objects and their classifications

Test Object ( properties & methods)

Run Time Object  ( properties & methods)

Keyword View

Expert view

Record and Playback


Types of recording and playback

Context sensitive / Normal Recording

Analog (Screen , Window)

Low level

Record & Playback Framework

Object learning and identification

Object repository

Object spy

Object repository Modes

Shared repository

Per-action repository

OR Merging

OR Comparisons

Object Properties

Mandatory properties

Assistive properties

Index based properties

coordinate based properties

Smart Identification

Virtual Objects


What is Synchronization

wait property

exist property

Synchronization time out in RUN mode

Synchronization scenarios



Applying check points

Standard, Bitmap


Text and Text Area Check point

XML, Accessibility

Page, Table , Image

Parameterization Values  / Data Driven models

Steps and checkpoints parameterization

Testing and action input parameters

Data table parameters

Environment variable parameters

Random number parameters

Using Data Driver tool

XML Parameterization


What are actions

Action types

Reusable Actions

Non reusable actions

Local Actions

External actions

New Action

Copy of Action

Existing Action

Parent Actions

Nested Actions

Action Driven Framework

Output Values

Outputting property values

Outputting text values

Outputting database values

Outputting XML values

Working With Actions

Multiple actions

Using global and action data sheets

Creating new actions

Calling existing actions

Setting action properties

Setting action call properties

Sharing action information

Copy of actions / Existing actions

Working with data tables

Working with global and action sheets

Editing data table

Importing data from a database

Exporting data from QTP

Regular Expressions

Understanding regular expressions

Applying regular expressions for property values

Applying regular expressions for checkpoint values


Inserting steps using Step Generator

Generating “with” statements


Virtual Objects

Measuring transactions

Smart identification

Configuring Object Identification

Custom and standard objects

Mapping custom to standard objects

Defining mandatory and assistive properties

VB Script

Intro to VB Script

Programming in VB Script

loops , conditional statements

branching, functions

Functional Libs

String / Date / Numeric functions

Additional Utitlies

Descriptive Programming

What is descriptive programming

Why DP is used

How do we DP

Object Property Collection  DP

Object Individual Properties DP

Data Table methods

AddSheet Method

DeleteSheet Method

Export Method

ExportSheet Method

GetCurrentRow Method

GetRowCount Method

GetSheet Method

GetSheetCount Method

Import Method

ImportSheet Method

SetCurrentRow Method

SetNextRow Method

SetPrevRow Method

Associated Properties

GlobalSheet Property

LocalSheet Property

RawValue Property

Value Property

Data base testing in QTP

What is data base testing

how do we database test in QTP

DSN connection data base scripts

DSN Less database scripts

DB Scripting

Recovery Management

What is Recovery Management

How do  we handle this

Steps to implement

Pros and cons of Recovery Management

Automation Frameworks

Record / Play back Framework

Action Driven Framework

Data Driven Framework

Functional library framework

Keyword Driven Framework

Hybrid Framework


Creating files

insert, copy , paste, remove contents in the files

generating file results

Files / Folders


QTP/VB Script  and Word

Word functions


QTP/VB Script  and Excel

Excel functions


QTP and Excel format results

QTP and HTMLformat results


QTP and Outlook mail configurations

QTP - Auto mail generations

IE Browser

Browser Invoke

Browser Functions

Browser Scripts

Additional Info

General Functions

Clear Caches

Browser settings

Addins utilities

working with Keyboard keys

working msgboxes / pop ups

And more…


Class room questions

Caller questions

online chat questions

support questions

And more…